4 Signs Tell You Your Dog Love You?

you have with your dog well if your dog does any of the following four things then it means you guys have a good bond and that your dog loves you so if your dog does any of the following four things then it means you guys have a good bond and that your dog loves you so

your dog follows you around the house if every time you go to a different room the dog gets up and follows you and you go to the kitchen the dog follows you and then you go to your room the doxology then you go to the bathroom you close the door and there is the dog laying outside the door waiting for you to come out alright that's a great sign that you have a strong bond and your dog really loves you now I've met dog owners who you know actually complain about this I say oh my god I can't get a minute of free time everywhere I go there's the dog he follows me everywhere he's in front of my feet he's blocked me trying to go up the stairs and the reality is that this is actually that you guys have such a great bond you should be happy whatever you've been doing as far as training goes and you know just general care you've done a good job because the what your dog followed me around means he enjoys your company he wants to be with you similar to you know I said about
following you around.

#2 when the dog wants to be on the couch with you or maybe in your bed with you at night again it's the same closeness of he feels comfortable with you and that that's his way of showing affection is to be as close as possible to you I know with max a second I get on my bed no matter where he is he comes up and up he comes and he lays right next to me and it's not that he's trying to be dominant or you know Claytor that's his bed no he just enjoys being with being with me and you know we have a good bond he wants to be there.

#3 The third sign 
that your dog loves you is he jumps on you now I know a lot of people don't like a dogs jumping on them we just understand them well especially if you have a larger dog but understand that if your dog jumps on you all right when you come home from your work or whatever you're doing you come home and you're a little--you're say hello and dog jumps on you alright that is a sign that the dog is excited to see you he's happy he loves you it's not a sign that you're trying to dominate you and be the pack leader an alpha male no he's so excited he's so happy he can't control himself and he jumps dog owners are usually pretty surprised when I say I'm finally jumping for me personally I love coming home and max jumping all over me and that is not going to change any other behaviors the fact that I let him jump on me whether or not your dog jumps is not gonna make him sit any better or lay down any better or be house-trained any better it has nothing to do with that it's one isolated behavior so if you are okay with your dog jumping on you and you don't mind there's no reason to stop it and if you're not okay with jumping that's perfectly fine too
neither one is right or wrong neither one is gonna change your dog's overall behavior but your dog jumping on you is a sign that he loves you and that he likes being around you.

the last time is your dog wags his tail when he sees you and you interact with it talk to me pet him that little tail gets going be sure to check back soon so I'm gonna write a post on this in more depth but a wagging tail is not does not always mean a dog is happy the main sign to look for with your dog's tail is that when he's wagging it it's it's hard to explain it's family do another video on this but its wagging loosely if your dog's tail is very stiff and wagging okay like this as opposed to like this then that could be actually a sign of aggression but if you come home and your dog has a very happy you know kind of goofy tail flopping all over the place all right that's the sign that he's happy he's excited to see you and that he loves you so therefore signs to know if your dog loves you let me know in the comments below if your dog does any of those things thanks for reading.
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